速報APP / 醫療 / Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Ph

Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Ph



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Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Physical Examination(圖1)-速報App

Clinicals offers you a clear structured and systematic approach to history taking. As a medical student, its absolutely critical to get well versed with a systematic, step wise approach to history taking.This is an essential skill to acquire for any physician.

Divided into three Main Sections

1. General History (Intro, HOPI...)

2. Symptomatology

3. Physical Examination

Stepwise systematic approach ranging from Introduction and Early Observation of the patient to General History, Systemic History, Symptoms' descriptions & Grading.

Ask the right Questions! Get the questions for the most common complaints and narrow down your diagnosis!

Comprehensive guide to General History comprising

* Introduction,

* Initial Data

* Chief Complaint

* History of Present Illness

* Past Medical History

* Personal & Social Profile

* Family History

Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Physical Examination(圖2)-速報App

* Drug History

* Activity & Exercise History

* Obstetric History

* Gynecological History

Organ Systems History. The most common complaints of the Major Organ systems:

* Cardivascular System

* Respiratory System

* Kidney & Urinary Tract

* Gastrointestinal Tract

* Psychiatric Assessment

* Musculoskeletal System

* Endocrine and Nutrition

* Gynecology*** [NEW]

* Constitutional, Common complaints.

Symptoms (From all organ systems)

Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Physical Examination(圖3)-速報App

- Clinical Questionaaire

- Differential Diagnosis

- Clinical pearls.

PHYSICAL Examination: More than 90 Examinations including:

* Cranial Nerve Examination

* Complete Chest Examination

* Breast, Cardiac, Pulmonary

* Complete Abdominal Examination- GI including Abd Mass

* Head & Neck - Eyes, Nose, Throat

* Arms & Legs

* including Neurological Assessment

* Muscle Power

* Reflexes

* Sensory

* Wrist & Palm - Nails- Clubbing..

Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Physical Examination(圖4)-速報App

* Genital Examination-Male & Female

INTERFACE presents a Medical Case Tab system that makes browsing through systems easier than ever!

DISCLAIMER: The Content on this application is for educational purposes only and is provided 'as-is' and 'as-available' basis without any warranty. In no event shall the creator of this application be held liable in any manner for direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this application or any errors or omissions in information on this application.

Clinical Skills - History, Symptoms & Physical Examination(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad